Take the PADI Master Freediver Course in Florida

With Lauderdale Diver

Who should take this course?

If you’re an advanced freediver who wants to learn how to fine-tune your lifestyle and training so that you can approach elite freediving levels, then the PADI Master Freediver course is for you. Through focused sessions, you’ll bring your static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion and constant weight skills to the next level.
To enroll in a PADI Master Freediver course you must be at least 18 years old and have a PADI Advanced Freediver certification (or a qualifying certification from another freediver organization).

What will you learn as a PADI Freediver?

The PADI Master Freediver course consists of three main phases:
  • Knowledge development about nutrition, relaxation and advanced breathing techniques. You’ll study independently using the PADI Freediver TouchTM (or your instructor may conduct class sessions). You’ll also complete independent research as part of the Master Freediver Assignment.
  • Confined water session to improve static and dynamic apnea attempts, including a no fins dynamic apnea. Goal – static apnea of 3 minutes, 30 seconds and dynamic apnea of 70 metres/230 feet.
  • Open water sessions to practice mouthfill equalization and perform warm-up and workup dives for free immersion and constant weight freediving. Goal – constant weight freedive of 27 metres/90 feet.

How can you start learning now?

Contact LauderdaleDiver’s PADI Freediver Center and get the PADI Freediver Touch™. The Touch is an interactive study tool that gives you the background information you need to freedive safely and allows you to study at your own pace. When you purchase the PADI Freediver Touch™, it comes equipped with PADI Freediver, Advanced Freediver and Master Freediver course materials.

Already a certified freediver with another agency?

Continuing your education is easy with PADI. Contact LauderdaleDiver’s PADI Freediver Center to get started on your next level of Freediver training.

Age Requirements
  • PADI Basic Freediver – 12 years old or older (confined water only)
  • PADI Freediver – 15 years old or older
  • PADI Advanced Freediver – 15 years old or older
  • PADI Master Freediver – 18 years old or older
The PADI Master Freediver course consists of three main phases:
  • Knowledge development about nutrition, relaxation and advanced breathing techniques. You’ll study independently using the PADI Freediver TouchTM (or your instructor may conduct class sessions). You’ll also complete independent research as part of the Master Freediver Assignment.
  • Confined water session to improve static and dynamic apnea attempts, including a no fins dynamic apnea. Goal – static apnea of 3 minutes, 30 seconds and dynamic apnea of 70 metres/230 feet.
  • Open water sessions to practice mouthfill equalization and perform warm-up and workup dives for free immersion and constant weight freediving. Goal – constant weight freedive of 27 metres/90 feet